The 5 best dishes of Indonesian cuisine You need to try them out

Holidays in Indonesia? A great idea. However, if you cannot afford an expensive air ticket, you can successfully invite the local flavors to your kitchen. Traditional Indonesian dishes are not as sharp as Thai dishes, but they still impress with their pheasity of distinct flavours. Which ones are worth trying? Discover the 5 best dishes of Indonesian cuisine.

Our Goreng isn’t really ready for the dish, because it still needs to be supplemented with meat. It is usually chicken. Our Goreng is the basis of Indonesian cuisine. The dish consists of fried rice, fried eggs, vegetables (mainly carrots and onions) and meat. Spices, soy sauce and roots complete the whole process. It is by far the most popular dish in Indonesia, especially in Java. If you don’t like rice, you can choose a version with pasta called Mie Goreng. Our Campur – called by the Indonesians themselves the national dish of this island country. It is a cross-section of the flavours of Indonesia on a single plate. Here you will find fried rice as well as chicken meat, tofu, vegetables and of course the necessary soy sauce and spice overview (curry, roots). Satay Ayam is a popular patch chicken. One of the most recognizable dishes of Indonesia. It tastes good to everyone, because it does not differ much from the dishes served in Europe. A classic addition to grilled chicken is a sweet nutty sauce and vegetable salad. The dish should be served on a banana leaf. Soto Ayam – Indonesian version, but its taste does not resemble it at all. Soto Ayam is based on chicken breast, coconut milk and boiled egg. The taste is strongly influenced by lemon juice, coriander, cumin and turmeric as well as shallot and curry juice. The soup is very saturated, especially with the addition of white rice. Babi Guling – one of the most famous dishes of Balinese cuisine, which can be eaten only on this paradise island (the rest of the country is Muslim, so eating pork is not an option). Babi Guling is a baked pig. The baking process itself is an art and an element of Balinese culture – some restaurants and conditions allow guests to observe the process. The meat is very soft, but what is most delightful is the taste of the baked, crunchy rind.

Indonesian cuisine has many wonderful flavours to offer, based on fantastic spices and fresh additives. It is worth trying it out, preferably during a holiday in this beautiful, huge country.

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